Willie Schönborn

Eleni was a godsend when our girl cat Sissie (11 years old) was not doing well at all after our move to the USA. A local vet checked her over and referred her to an oncologist due to a lump in her abdomen accompanied by severe digestive upset and malaise. The ultrasound and other tests came back inconclusive and the only suggestion was further invasive and costly diagnostics with no guarantee of a diagnosis. Thankfully our animal communicator Kate Muller recommended Eleni. Right from the first communication with Eleni calmness set in and I knew everything was going to be ok. Eleni is truly a gifted healing facilitator — compassionate, intuitive, caring and an excellent communicator in explaining everything to the humans in a clear and concise way. Her knowledge of how to support an animal's immune system to promote rapid self-healing through diet, nutraceuticals and energy medicine is absolutely amazing. After an initial in-depth consultation via video conference, communication was easy and available every day via email or messaging. Sissie is about to celebrate her 15th birthday and is healthy and doing great!

Willie Schönborn , Body Stress Release practitioner

North Carolina, USA

(Regarding Holistic Animal Health Coaching)